
Evolution and revolution of life system



            お金って何だろう。 宗教って何だろう。 私って何だろう。  読めばわかるかも


All the laws of nature have evolved from thermodynamics as an axiom. Therefore, I wanted to think about the evolution of the mind from a thermodynamic point of view. I hope you find the answer to your question.


What is money?  What is religion?  What am I?  You may understand if you read it


Let's trust science rather than religion.

Let's promote globalism over nationalism.

・・Let's empower thinking using the logic based communication not emotional based



Finally, the development of the Internet society environment enabled the talks with many people.

It can exchange opinions with each specialist. As a result, I have gotten the present idea through many

discussions on internet.

Therefore, this idea is made by an unspecified number of ideas that are created on the Internet virtual space, not on individuals.

                   このweb siteに関して著者の権利を主張しません

I do not insist on the right of the author about this web site

                               ワヤ(佐野和也) wayaKazuya Sano



