@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@desire to learn@

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@index@@@desire to reason

5.6  desire to learn@iknowledgej

5.6.1 Introduction

5.6.1 Greed for knowledge (the budding of logic)@

Curiosity is the basis of the thirst for knowledge. As an index of brain weight to body weight, there is a ``brain index'', which is 10.0 for humans, 4.3 for chimpanzees, 2.0 for monkeys, 0.6 for mice, and 0.3 for chickens. Crow is 2.1. The point is that the cerebrum is developing. Of course, it is obvious that humans are smarter, because it is better to have a large amount than the exponent. Baby birds try to follow the first move according to the code written in their DNA. However, mammals with a cerebrum try to act by learning in the cerebrum. It's called curiosity. A kitten or dog learns that a buyer opens the door knob to get in and out, and will try to open the knob to get in and out. They will try to talk to their owners at first.


"They understand the language and try to speak." The brain learns with curiosity.


Human commoners grow up in an average childhood home environment. Just as the blacksmith child has a blacksmith term, the living environment of the parent and child does not change so much. The brain learns and grows from the patterns of parental behavior. Curiosity is a tool in the evolution of higher organisms beyond birds. At that level, the masses are undergoing evolutionary iterations.


There is no need to learn complex social mechanisms to guide the whole society. You don't have to study hard. It is everyday life of eating and playing should just pass by normally. In other words, we don't need to know the mechanics of how the regime governs at any given time. You don't have to know how you are kept alive by the system. You can either spread complaints and dissatisfaction around you, or you can keep it in your heart and endure it. You should be able to enjoy the moment. All you have to do is live in the palm of the hand given to you by the system. They do not demand the evolution of instincts in the immediate parental environment where instincts are still at a low level. Because they are poor, they work from an early age and do not have time to learn about human nature, social structures, and many other things. Parents cannot pass on to their children instincts that should evolve dramatically through learning. Many families were unable to feed one child. gparent said. I raised you, so you must work for me.


For this reason, from an early age, children have been working rather than studying. In the immature instinct parents and the social group that composes them, they will grasp the trigger of the rapid evolution of instinct, and only the body will grow up. Their brains stop growing, they become parents, and they create a similar environment. As long as they have time, they live only for the "moment". It's a repetition of similar people meeting, getting married, and giving birth to children. In cities in developing countries, there are many women who send money for their parents and younger siblings in the countryside. Even in pre-war Japan, it was common for women to be sold for their homes, and for children who left for the city to send money back to their parents in the countryside.


5.6.2 Knowledgeable and their position

@Common people who could not obtain more energy than they needed to live by themselves, when they met knowledgeable people or politicians who had a lot of energy, they stopped listening to the knowledge of knowledgeable people.


One end of my instincts is tickled, and the gentle attitude of politicians makes me fall into the illusion of seeing peace, the ultimate in human evolution. In the shadow of the big tree, it becomes a fox that borrows the power of the tiger, and joins their organization to make itself look bigger. The more commoners you have, the more secure you feel. Similar comrades have similar ideas and there are no different people with different ways of thinking, so no unnecessary frictional energy is generated. The group that worshiped Daisaku Ikeda is a typical example. Even in lessons such as taijiquan, the lack of knowledge of the students leads to the illusion that everything the teacher says is correct. For example, the teacher say, we puts our spirit blood all over our body... and so on. It is the imaginary blood that flows within the image of oneself that is imaged in the cerebrum, and does not seem to be lymphatic fluid (see the chapter on qualia). Chi does not exist without physical interaction with the outside world.


"They say." "Master knows everything. Isn't it Monju-sama? Politicians are always calm and smiling. I'm grateful like Bodhisattva-sama."


On the other hand, how about looking at it from a knowledgeable point of view.


Many of us think that being knowledgeable (the superiority or inferiority of knowledge) and being a person of character (human nature) are the same thing. And in fact, some people who self-identify as educated feel that they were personally hurt when their weaknesses were pointed out in an argument and their deceptive behavior was discovered and blamed. They make full use of the knowledge they have, play with sophistry, or take a strategy of changing the topic while ambiguous, and try to escape from the predicament by diverting the topic. If you think your opponent is weak, you can use your power to overwhelm them. . .


When some politicians speak to the common people, they appear calm and soft, yet draw a line with the other party, analyze the other person's story from a different dimension, and observe the other person. There is no effort to talk with the other party by acknowledging their high status. If he thinks he has been insulted by the other person, he sometimes tortures them incessantly like a selfish only child.


5.6.3 The side that uses knowledge to earn money and the side that is exploited

Here is an extreme example expressed as a person. However, these two types of people do not exist in completely separate states. In between, billions of people live in their own style: office workers, farmers, ranchers, fishermen, part-time clerks. There may be people who try to enter politics after being an educator. In addition, as shown by monopoly desire, there are poor people and rich people in each industry, and money flows between them.


Players who have graduated from famous private universities, who are called the instigators of the entertainment world, are well aware of the psychological movements of the common people through play. Using the mass media, etc., spread rumors and deliberate information among the masses, skillfully stimulate their low-quality desires, and control the topic so that it will be directed towards the entertainment industry. It also creates an emotional interest in knowing the privacy of celebrities, and encourages those who know the contents of their privacy to take pleasure in speaking with a sense of superiority over the have-nots. It is a sales pitch for a product that gives a sense of emotional superiority. For example, information about immigration and immigration of celebrities living in Hawaii, and information about celebrities' affairs and affairs. The common people go around seeking it first. I can't help but worry about the private life of celebrities.


That's the product. Karaoke is also invisible, but it pays huge royalties. 1000 yen just by shaking hands and buying a CD at a live show? Of course, when ordinary people compete to buy products, the people who sell entertainment products gather a huge amount of money and energy. Politicians move in the direction of protecting them in order to receive donations from the gimmicks. Conversely, an even larger central government, manipulating the instigators of the entertainment world, rules the world, and people are assembled into a compound pyramid from top to bottom. Even now, the policy of stimulating the foolish desires of the common people, hoarding money, and not killing people continues. DNA, under Darwinian selection, makes a distribution that sustains stupid groups and sustains life in the upper part of the pyramid structure.


Commoners who chase celebrity stars until old age do not prepare for old age. It affects the old age of those who continue to walk with anxiety toward the unknown, and those who abandon walking.


Many people who were not conscious of the path of evolution become very unstable in their mental functions in old age, and some of them become frightened of life because of uncertain death, their own view of existence, etc., causing anxiety and illusions. They seem to have aged unaware of the chance to find the footprints of their predecessors. There is no realization of death. No matter what happens, they will die while thinking that only they want to survive.

Instinctively drowning in exaggerated medical knowledge told in exaggerated broadcast program, drowning in irresponsible placebo products based on commercialism.


We are beast. In Buddhism, we live with mental action from hell to bodhisattva at the level of beasts. Unlike animals, the more sad memories remain, the more unhappy they are. This graveyard is made up of such people. Those who realize that this graveyard is a pyramid structure climb onto it to satisfy their level. Pushing each other, knocking each other down. At some point, when we are exhausted and stop walking, we are satisfied with the sight of those who climb up from below, and we feel envy when we see those who go up. Finally, it is caught in a whirlpool in the main stream, where it awaits death.


But there are those who lead the mainstream of life. These people are not affected much by this system. To those who have enlightened life, this society gives no anxiety at all.


Then, what is the desire for knowledge, and what role does it impose on us?


5.6.4 Curiosity@

Scholars, critics, commentators, etc., who are called intellectuals or cultural people, have excellent abilities in their respective fields, are well aware of the phenomena in that field.  And can explain the contents of the field in an easy-to-understand manner for us.


 people who have Knowledge is to know things, contents, and phenomena that are objects. If we find an example in humans, it is a desire that sprouts around the age of 2 or 3. The role of this desire is to make the child learn, to memorize it in the brain, to deduce all actions in the past, present, and future, to accumulate experiences in it, and to memorize it in the genes so far by repeating it. It is something that allows life to evolve overwhelmingly faster than the evolution of DNA. Knowledge is something that anyone can acquire, and it is different from the desire to monopolize material things.


It is said that animals have the wisdom of two to three years old. I have two cats, each with its own personality. Nee is calm in all things. The cats, who only let us out when we were at home, sometimes stay outside, so I went out of the house and hid to see what they were doing. After all, my older sister secretly opened the window and came out. When I'm there, they let me know something by croaking and scratching.


Even when I was building the pond, I intended to place rocks around the pond so that stray cats wouldn't steal the goldfish. However, as soon as the pond was completed, Nee, who had been standing still, touched a leaf that happened to be floating in the pond with her hand, and seemed to tell us, "You can reach from here."


Koro is an inner benkeiia man who is a lion at home and a mouse abroad.j and there's something about him that's helplessly cute. Even so, he probably knows the most about the inside of the house. As for the places where you can see the outside, you know how to get there from such a small gap and how to get there. I know how to open a door with a doorknob. It can also recognize human eyes, ears, and mouths. Even though I'm sleeping, when Koro wants to play, he wakes me up by yelling in my ear.


Seen in this way, there is curiosity as a kind of thirst for knowledge. However, their instincts do not yet possess a thirst for knowledge. In general, they pass on the accumulation of experiences they encounter each time they act to their descendants as experiences, and in the long run they change the form of their genes to inherit the flow of life. Repetition is very slow in animals because they learn poorly. People with intellectual disabilities are also slow to repeat. But compared to most of us, we have a balance of physical and mental development. There is nothing wrong with his actions.


The problem is the difference in brain power due to differences in DNA inherited from parents. A child with DNA from superior parents will be a highly matched child through meiosis, but will have a brain with relatively superior capacity. On the other hand, children of inferior parents are weak, and even if they receive excellent social education from the outside, it is difficult for them to absorb it. Humans require significantly more energy acquisition for their lives than do other mammals. For example, if the energy required for each individual dog or cat differs by 1 or 2, it does not make a big difference for any dog ​​or cat. However, human beings can get 100,000 or 100 million energies, but those who can't can get 1 or 2 as much as dogs and cats, and there will be a big difference in living standards. So this will become a big social problem.


5.6.5 My example

Let's take me as an example to explain the abnormal desire for knowledge that occupies most of us (incomplete and not progressing in the direction of the evolutionary vector).


When I was in the fifth grade of elementary school, I wanted to study astronomy. Even if you enter the company, you can't easily throw it away. Despite my low monthly salary, I replaced everything with books on astronomy and mathematical astronomy, and my boss, Mr. Kamigaito, joked, "Did you buy another astronomy book?" I want to have many memory so I have to buy it. From the ultimate admiration of astronomy, there is no doubt that I had a strong desire for knowledge. However, it is a study with a dream to acquire knowledge, and it is necessary for children.@


In my case, I understood spherical trigonometry from that study, and it was useful for the Rowland circle of the single crystal diffraction grating used in EPMA, but I did not understand the mechanism of the world at all. And when I looked at the world again, I felt that I was living in a narrow field without knowing anything about the world, without a wide range of knowledge, in the complex social structure of today. If all life is regarded as a sample of the evolution of the life system, that's all, but gaining knowledge and making better life choices is more satisfying.


However, there are people who are good at singing in junior high school and want to become popular singers, or good at sports and want to become athletes. Despite the fact that it looks like anyone can do it, the reality is harsh, and there are very few people who can achieve that goal. And when he loses hope, he realizes that he no longer has a job to feed himself. If she grows up like that, she will grow up without knowing the rest of society. There is no place of employment for her, and she has a hard time. And that's how it is in general. If I think about it, one of the hundreds of millions of combinations (sample) of life system experiments for evolution.


Creatures evolved through many such random trials. But with the evolution of life, methods that are effective are possible.


5.6.6 New employees who should have been burning with hope

Many people who had to quit their studies in middle school in rural areas found employment at companies in the cities while being celebrated as golden eggs. However, because they do not have the time necessary to look at humans, they do not acquire a wide range of knowledge, and use the terms ``unsung hero'' and ``three years on a stone'' to maintain the lowest level.


 Even if trying to become due to the strong pressure from above, the embedded parts cannot come off on their own. In the realm of an animal, he finds a job at a company and spends his life with the desire for evolution that is latent in his heart. From the point of view of a new employee, in a systemic society, "I will do my best." It looks like a fascinating and hopeful path to follow. And my friends are walking that path. And when the company gives some kind of finely-tuned awards through all kinds of events, the latent consciousness falls into the illusion that it grows and feels joy (award evaluation supremacy principle).


However, as he gets used to the company life, he realizes that the letters of appreciation are nothing more than pieces of paper, and he ends up living in a rut. There are many people who do not return to work even after the summer vacation because they cannot endure the night shift of two or three shifts. They do not think about superior and invisible welfare programs, and men change jobs to the most lucrative transportation industry, and women called female workers change jobs from familiar snacks to the bar business. However, the job is too hard and he wants to quit, but it is the only way to make a living, and he endures despite his dissatisfaction. Some are conveniently used in less favorable conditions as precarious temporary workers from employment agencies and employment agencies. He started looking for a way out in small and medium-sized companies with poor foundations.


However, the fraudulent commendation system described above works effectively for those who try. Those who endure the night shift are promoted to chief, and assistant section chief, and build a normal family. Then, looking at my boss, who is a university graduate who goes through the section manager and department manager course, I want my child to graduate from university, even if it is a third-rate university, using my own funds. The mother, who has no knowledge of scholarships, borrows as much money as she can with interest, called scholarships (loans using the illusion of borrowers on the bank side), and works part-time to pay off the loans. Scholarships in our time were interest-free. Scholarships from companies were non-repayable and some were not linked.


Let's think a little more closely about why we fall into this illusion so easily.


5.6.7 Intellectuals

When human beings began to build their culture, it was Sherman, religious leaders and philosophers who had a direct influence on human life. There are a person who asks for an opinion after the leader is troubled. Not only did they lead the people by preaching philosophy, but they were also in the position of leading the people in science as intellectuals of the time, while competing with the rulers of the time, such as in ancient Egypt.


This idea has been inherited by many religious leaders and philosophers. The names of the Brahmin leaders, Shakyamuni, Piety, Christ, Muhammad, Socrates, Schvaitz, and many intellectuals inherit to now. Some of the claims are in harmony and resonate with the mainstream of evolution, so even now they are not forgotten.


In front of any doctrine and assertion is the masses, and the single-minded masses and their hearts have expanded the ideas of our predecessors so that they resonate more with the evolution of life, creating great ideas. What all the successors have in common is that they obediently incorporated their own overflowing new ideas into the thoughts of their predecessors. Empty is empty, empty is color or Vanity of vanities; all is vanity. Surrender to your newer desires. Live naturally. Become one with the evolution of nature and live according to someone's whisper.


Tannishō, Lotus Sutra, Islamic scriptures, Bible. The sages of the past, who lacked knowledge of natural science, imprinted the social phenomena of the time into the teachings of the sages of the past, and constructed a logic that could be adapted to the times. Therefore, their teachings form sects, preaching their own way of life. Here, what they have in common is that because they were intellectuals, and because they obediently followed human desires, they produced many sects (sects) with their own interpretations, From conflicts to conflicts between nations, it had a great impact on society.


Natural science, on the other hand, has no sect. There is a hypothesis derived from theory, and only when experimental results with reproducibility come out can the hypothesis be proven to be correct with a high degree of certainty. Therefore, we must accept the results derived from natural science, even if they are cruel and harsh to some people. It is necessary to seek a better way of life that suits each person after feeling it firsthand. Feeling happy is the amount of change in brain secretions. Happiness can be found in any way of life.


The "World Federation Republic" that physicists Einstein and Hideki Yukawa passionately advocated, is well understood. The production of atomic bombs has transcended ethnic conflicts. They must have thought so. "If you bring an atomic bomb into a conflict between ethnic groups, the chain reaction will destroy the earth. The people living on the earth can only be one with this invention." I am also an unknown person who agrees with this idea. They would have battled in their hearts old conservative desires for their own moment. But in the end, they had no choice but to follow new desires. In addition, because their hearts were always honest, they were exposed to the bad side of the social environment, but they encouraged self-development and grew. This is probably because I have reached a quasi-stable realm where I cannot fall any further from the stage of conflict with my old desires, and from there I have been able to see the antiquity of the world. They strived to achieve their desires with the motto, "If you like what you do, be good at what you do." As for death, it would have been a satisfying death. Following  Sakata Laboratory, which moved from Kyoto University to Nagoya University, and his student, Professor Toshihide Masukawa, a Nobel laureate. However, they cannot win against politicians and utilitarian who seek worldly profits and are supported by ordinary people who live in the moment. Also, the scientist is guaranteed a livelihood, so he doesn't pursue it any deeper. Their argument ends in the howl stage as a result.


5.6.8 Nobel laureate Dr. Noyori ``I'm really angry'' sense of crisis in Japanese education

  Noyori's words

School education exists for society. The right of an individual to live freely is important, but it is not meant to pass an entrance exam, or to become rich or powerful. The educational world must nurture people who will carry the ideal society.


The only problem is that learning is passive. He never actively questioned established theories. If it's written in a textbook or something, just say, "Oh, that's true." You don't try and challenge yourself. What a creative scientist needs are not a good head, but a gstrong wigless head. I must be able to ask myself and self-study.


"Then sensitivity and curiosity." This is essential. And since we have to take on new challenges, it must be anti-authority and anti-authority. It is useless to make assumptions about seniors and teachers. Teachers and society need to warmly watch over this free-spirited challenge of young people.


The big problem now is the ability to ask questions thinking, and answer with curiosity. that they are falling it. The reason why this happens is because of the efficiency and results-oriented principles that cover society as a whole.


 Moreover, a formal evaluation system that does not actually seek real results cannot be tolerated. Evaluation is originally intended to increase the value of people and things, but it is not. Without the process of grasping the big picture of a problem, thinking for oneself, and getting an answer, one cannot develop one's intelligence.


It is said that the ability to think and answer is declining, but the most worrisome thing is that the ability to ask questions is almost non-existent. I have a habit of answering questions that someone else has made for me. Young children have curiosity, but school education does not allow them to have doubts. It's much harder to come up with a good problem that leads to development than it is to give a good answer to a given problem. Answering mediocre, ready-made questions shouldn't make any sense at all, so why don't you understand this?


5.6.9 Present teacher

Let finish their topic, and next let's watch the general public, so-called schoolteacher. The ancient philosopher and teacher of religion had thought about the way of life of the human being. They had knowledge. They preached it to the common people.  They were the excellent wise men that supported the life of the people.


Probably the teacher of the Edo era must have been similar too. The public gave a position of the sacred profession as the knowledgeable person who guided them. The public gave them the name in such times.

          "The teacher is same as man of intelligence"


The system called the school is made after the Meiji era, and compulsory education was spread and the teachers increased. It is just what the normal distribution shows that the person who does not deserve to be a teacher is included accordingly.


 Teachers of low level are increased. The general public of low level cannot choose the good or bad of the teacher. Therefore, they must accept them as a clergyman. They can secure the right of the teacher easily by becoming a teacher. They who became a teacher insist on their rights, and take the threat means called authoritative group. They satisfy with their pseudo dignity to camouflage the lowness of a level.


gI must make a boundary@between the general public and me "


They think. Lecture to the public changes into sense of superiority of their feeling. If a midyear gifts and the year-end gifts come, his presence is emphasized


 It has changed. gLet's hear ith  to  gMake hear it"

It can't conceal own mind when such a defect appears because the instinct doesn't evolve. It is difficult to let you recognize yourself from other people. He assumes a defiant attitude at last when this is decline in the quality of the teacher. And everybody say. 


  "Everything is teachers.   Maybe in teacher.  Only but it is a teacher "


 A word called a teacher is used in a bar too.


 The office worker teachers were increased too. A teacher is not great. The quality of teacher has changed gradually. There's been a marked deterioration in the quality of teachers recently. Where has the sacred profession gone? We have to look for a true teacher from people wearing clothes called the teacher. However, the public does not have the ability to check only for it. Is it a new specialty commentary group? However, I hear that their performance fee is 1-million-yen order. Therefore, they are the intellectuals. But they are not the teacher that I say.


Is such people have the element of the man of integrity? They are just wandering in the Asura world. They do not have view of life as you see. It is like the Martian of the top-heaviness that owns only knowledge a lot. They do not walk the main stream of the evolution. 


They wandered the Asura world a quite a while. They rolled down into by eddy. They continue to mutter something.  They continue rolling around in the water while talking the own view against truth of evolution. They fell down on the bottom at last. It is something like Sun Wu-K'ung wandering in his palm of Buddha.


It was impossible to escape from his palm though he flew the large space to escape against Buddha persuading a correct way for him.


He was exhausted and fell down into palm of Buddha. But his palm forgave warmly all. They can surely give knowledge to general public. In addition, the greed that they want to know is strong.


However, they do not know the direction using this. They use it for only bread of their life. They have it as just knowledge. They know it from their feeling of satisfaction. They know it from sense of superiority of their knowledge. They cannot express their direction what they should show for progress of the Lotus Sutra. They seem to play some pleasant logic.


In the •½ˆΐ era, the learning bonze of Mt. ”δ‰bŽR found Lotus Sutra in the word as


gwhole world of the law of selfi—‚ΜŽOη’ŠEj"


However it did not realize thinking of Buddhism even if they only learned teaching of the Buddhism. It means that it has to practice the thing called the enlightenment. They were spiritually awakened. Learning bonzes came down from ”δ‰bŽR and preached in a town.


gwhole world of the law of existenceiŽΐ‚ΜŽOη’ŠEj"@


There is the memory that read such a thing.

But, it does not cause a big influence when we look from the evolution of the life system just to know the knowledge. The wise man permitted their act. I do not speak the reason, but will you understand the reason that did not give an indicator to people? You have to realize by yourself.


 In addition, what ways will we fix the desire to learn in?

When a mind is calm, please think. It gives you new life. Many friends live in this space and live in many places. The space may give such a feeling.


5.6.10 School dispute

At the time of the first security treaty, I was a junior high school student. After the death of Michiko Kaba, an activist at the University of Tokyo, I felt vaguely angry with the government. And around the time of the second revision of the Security Treaty, the school conflict flared up again, and I got involved a little. Mass-professional education at universities was promoted in line with the increase in the number of children. Private colleges must have obay over to the government, the contents of which were reforms in which subsidies were received according to the number of students. The same goes for increasing teacher subsidies.


Amount per student: Undergraduate: 68,000 yen (93,000 yen) Dentistry and veterinary school: 78,000 yen (103,000 yen) Master's course: 292,000 yen Dentistry and veterinary school: 352,000 yen


Although our mother school was not a private university, we proceeded with mass-professional education on the condition that we reorganize our departments in order to increase the stagnant positions of professors, assistant professors, and lecturers.


The classes in the mass-professional classroom were all unilaterally explained by the teacher, and problems were raised, such as the inability to answer questions from the students. However, the government realized that there was a limit to the number of posts available to teachers and countered with a stick and carrot policy of increasing the number of professorships by increasing the number of students and courses. It became a movement against mass-professional education, including teachers.


I don't know why this came to be in solidarity with the second security struggle, but when it became a quagmire, the lecture hall was barricaded and the chaos continued for two years.


Banners and leaflets against mass-professional education were put up around the school, but before we knew it, there were also signboards for victory in the struggle against the security treaty. And outside the school gates, riot police could sometimes be seen waiting in formation. The person at the head of the line was holding a lantern like that of an Edo-era. You usually think of bright strong lights. That's the lantern. Despite being in a struggle, it made me laugh.


One day, Waya, who felt sympathy for Peace for Vietnam Civic Union, went to see the All-Campus Joint Struggle League Tournament held at 102 Mass Pro Classroom. There, all the sympathizers of the Zenkyoto, who wore helmets with various names written on them, gathered and tried to seek some kind of agreement. However, only Yoko Nagata, wearing a red helmet, and someone from the Shinagawa front, gave a fierce speech and jeered at each other. The claims of each organization were intense, and I felt a premonition that they would split up in the near future without coming to terms with each other. It seems that the world called us non-sect radicals. . What was Zenkyoto?@Completely different from the Democratic Youth League, a national organization under the umbrella of the Japanese Communist Party, each university raises its own problems, raises an uprising, and seeks cooperation. It's good for left-wing thoughts, and it's good for right-wing thoughts. Those who sympathize with the occasional theme will participate. It is similar to the appeal made with the awareness of "diversification, gathering and dispersal" advocated by Minoru Oda, who graduated from the University of Tokyo. . And I will participate in the second security struggle as a new left. In order not to be pulled over by the riot police, each of us joined our arms with the person next to us and clung to the waist of the person in front of us. Those who sympathized with  Peace for Vietnam Civic Union and joined marched at the end of the line.


5.6.11 pseudo-intellectuals

Next, putting them aside for the time being, people with a lower level. Let's take a look at a teacher who works in a so-called school.


The ancient philosophers and religious leaders were wonderful people who had ideas, thought about what the human way of life should be, preached it to the people, and supported the lives of the people. It must have been the same for the teachers of the temple huts in the Edo period. The public consults them as their closest knowledgeable person. and gave them priestly status. The teacher = person of character has become established in this era.


During the Heian period, the learned priests of Honen, Shinran, Ryonin, and Ippen who studied on Mt hiei. I enjoyed fighting so-called desk theories. However, they said, ``Then, just because you have learned the teachings of Buddhism, you have not attained enlightenment. No. We have to go to the 'real 3,000 worlds', and we have to save the common people from the fear of the end of the law, where everything will be destroyed."


They told their reasoning about the anxiety and fear of the common people and made them believe their ideas. Targeting people at a level below them, they labeled them as [intellectuals = people of character] and made them believe. learned monks are wise! They listen to our troubles."@@learned monk


After the Meiji period, the school system was created., And when compulsory education became widespread after second war, each prefecture was called an ekiben university, and one university of education was established in each prefecture. At other schools, if you get a teaching job, you can become a teacher. As the number of teacher positions increases, more and more low-level people who are unsuitable for teacher positions will be replenished. The low-level public, who memorize by imprinting memory, cannot accurately distinguish this, so they have no choice but to identify them with their predecessors. By becoming teachers, they can easily secure the image, rights, and status of traditional teachers. Low-level teachers who have become teachers, in order to finally satisfy themselves, or to camouflage their perceived low-level, take the intimidating means of authority that does not suit them, and "I must separate out themselves on the line from the masses. Also, the guidance to the masses becomes comfortable with a sense of superiority. Alternatively, there will be people who easily pander to the common people, saying they are teachers of the common people.@


When midsummer and year-end gifts come, your presence will be emphasized. Admonition becomes forcing, asking to hear turns into listening. As long as the true brain has not evolved, no matter how hard you try to make yourself recognized by others, such flaws will appear blatantly and you will not be able to hide yourself. In the end, they are defiantly convinced that this is the teacher, and they reduce the teacher to a lower level image. And it generalizes. Anybody can be called a teacher. Even in bars, the words gteacherh and gpresidenth are common. salaried workers were increase. And it called "the teacher is not great".  the teacher is not great. At some point, teacer changed from ``The teacher is great'' to ``The teacher is not great''. Demoshika didn't know what to teach and how she wanted to be a teacher, and she was depressed. Despite being non-members of the union, demoshika teachers are among those who take for granted the status and treatment that teacher union member have won through struggle. And now, I'm hearing about the collapse of classes by monster parents who have a developed sense of rights to protect their children's interests and children who don't even think of their teachers as educators. Although they are thought to have graduated from a university of education, in the thought that everything will be given to them, there is no budding of self-reliance. I see a teacher who doesn't know the basics, has no wisdom on how to deal with it, and is passive and crushed.


Where have the priests gone? We must find the true teacher among those who wear the clothes of the teacher. But the masses inferior to them do not have the ability to do so. We must have some new true teachers put on new clothes so that we can be distinguished. Is it the commentator group that is popular now? However, their lecture fee is said to be more than 1 million yen per lecture (when Taichi Sakaiya was invited). So, although they are intellectuals, they are not the teachers I am looking for.


5.7.12 A letter from a high school student

When I was a sophomore in high school, I received the following letter from one of my classmates. Of course, I first handed him an essay titled "What is a human being?"


"...and continued the war between the Sino-Japanese War, the Russo-Japanese War, and the First World War." As you may have learned from history, it really was a capitalist-only politics. World War II was lost and militarism disappeared, but the capitalists behind it survived the war because of their land and property. And even now, zaibatsu of 200 families have come to move this Japanese politics. You probably don't understand that the Zaibatsu are moving politics now, so you please ask me. Capitalists do whatever it takes for their own benefit (I don't think you understand). So it's only natural that you despaired of humans. You are not the only one who is disappointed with this social system, rather than human beings.  Many peopleare same too.That is why schools train craftsmen, as I wrote before, without real study. Finally, it is said that the time will come when we will be satisfied as human beings. x


How many 17-year-olds are there who can discuss this issue? Many of the people who can feel and talk about this way of thinking come from the liberal arts departments of universities or living a serious life, and those in junior high and high school are still in the minority. .


He has a different way of thinking than those around him, and his arguments are not understood and ignored by those around him, and he becomes helpless and depressed. On the other hand, as seen in the Let Purge, there is a tendency to label the Communist Party as a violent ideology.


Even if it is true, the low-level people around them who are indifferent to the reason why they come to such a conclusion will be whispered in the streets, groundless and quick rumors that slander the Communist Party. They is easy to believe becase they don't use cerebrum. People around him look at him and irresponsibly label him as a communist, as a basis for their own beliefs.


If he does even a little bit of communist behavior (for example, the words capitalist. And petit bourgeois that happen to come out of his mouth are misunderstood as ideological language), it is concluded that it is a bastard. They gossip each other as if he is doing communist activities, and all his actions are made into one pattern of communist activities. By doing so, the people around us confirm that our ideas are correct, and somehow we are convinced. Judging calmly, the surroundings have lost their eyes to see things. Only one or two of his communist actions have amplified each other, even adding tail and dorsal fins.


" it does not understand for him." A mind that is unable to judge whether it is correct or not due to an idea that is not well understood even by itself, can feel like a different person if others look at it irresponsibly. For him who believes in communal living, he must either abandon the idea of ​​learning that idea, or continue to seek sympathizers without knowing it alone. Months and years of isolation are difficult unless he sees his comrades, and he must choose the path of renunciation.


I wonder what kind of action he would take if he accused him of being immature and out of curiosity. Think about it. And every time the reader encounters such a particular or singular solution, I hope that he will be able to know the general solution from them and grasp it in his mind. The majority of the institutions of any time are the ones who drag these young people down. Society evolves little by little from the progress of young people and the brakes around them.


After all, how should young people live? It seems that it is to return to the origin of desires that constantly spring up and acquire the habit of thinking logically, but it is difficult. Because the Zen way of life is in line with this truth, it is supported by many business owners with admiration and envy.


5.6.13 Individual limits

@One of the excellent functions of a personal computer is that it can be easily pasted. Here's what I wrote in the qualia chapter.


In adolescence, large individual differences appear in memory capacity and desire for knowledge. In other words, depending on the superiority or inferiority of the gene, the difference in superiority will appear depending on the size of the cerebral memory inherited from the parent. People are at the mercy of what Darwin called "natural selection." If we compare it to a personal computer, the DNA is the hard part, and the information we get from relatives, schools, and companies is the application software part. If the capacity is small, no excellent software can enter, and even if the capacity is large, unless good software is taken in, the ability cannot be demonstrated. The difference in the information that can be obtained changes in quality depending on the surrounding environment. If you inherited the excellent genes from your parents and were able to live in a blessed external environment, you have the potential to memorize a lot of knowledge and become a person with excellent judgment. Conversely, if you cannot inherit excellent genes and are not blessed with an environment, there is a high possibility that you will work in a workplace that involves simple tasks, and because you do not use your brain very much, the difference in ability between people.


To put it concretely, people with low brain capacity have poor logical and thinking abilities in their brains that use a lot of energy, and they start to collect the knowledge of celebrities' memorization from entertainment media becase of energy saving . Furthermore, as a result, the quality of knowledge that occupies the cerebrum is filled with entertainment-related information. Also, in order to save energy and labor, people who are similar to each other and who can understand each other's feelings seek to form a group. This is because it is safe without wasting energy. Because of his poor thinking ability, he cannot understand the cruel origins and consequences of countries and organizations. A person with excellent thinking ability develops a new area from the construction of thoughts, feels the actual energy accumulated in the cerebral synaptic circuit that has been developed, understands the brutality of the organization, and transforms it into his own joy. can do things It's not because you're Japanese or Korean, as you often say, but the same thing can be said about the distribution of people living in any region.


There are differences in ability and wealth, but it can't be helped because it's a law of nature and Darwin's natural selection. After employment, those who joined global companies such as general trading companies as executive candidates will acquire a lot of information in order to survive the competition among companies around the world. And he will be involved in future policies while element reduction and the brain becomes better and better. Researchers in private companies are also activating their brains in search of advanced technology knowledge. As the amount of knowledge increases, the base of each area spreads like Takayama, and the data for making decisions when confronting difficulties increases. Although we cannot compete with the AI ​​that has become popular recently, it can make more accurate decisions. Factory lines and individual businesses that anyone can do can obtain familiar information that they are involved in, but it is difficult to obtain information on global trends. Please refer to Chapter 6;


5.6.14 Unconsciousness Μ awareness Μ learning

There is the unconscious action in the brain that does not control all. Also there is conscious action in the brain that controls as device that the cerebrum analyses after 02 seconds late.@@We live using the two types.

 It may be an illusion to feel later. And your cerebellum acts the driving of the car in the information entering from eyes at first. Next we brake a car before being conscious. And then our cerebrum receives consciousness after 0.2 seconds. It is natural because consciousness is added on the unconscious extension line of the lower animals.


 It is the evolution from a diffuse nervous system to central nervous system. The consciousness reminds our conventional memory and may be calmly thinking measures for a change of the external environment when we do not need emergency. It is possible only the mammals who evolved to the cerebrum which can enjoy rest. The mammals treat 99% of information with an amygdaloidal body and brain hippocampus and corpus striatum. Information beyond the trigger goes to cerebral neocortex about 0.2 seconds late from the action that is unconsciousness on the basis of that conditioned response. Therefore, fear and various feelings are sprouted as consciousness after that.


The learning will be an essence that higher animal developed to survive without taking the useless information energy from accumulated in the amygdaloidal body. It takes out from the unconsciousness for check from an amygdaloidal body, and become aware. Consciousness reflects on the result of the action that moved unconsciously. The learning provides the memory of the considered process and a judgment without waste to survive. Therefore, way of life or the thought during childhood is haunted as a shadow after growth because engraved into an amygdaloid body almost.


™š™š Unconscious Μ Conscious Μ Learning ™š™š


"Will" is an unconscious afterthought Posted by waya4


> ``A person's ``consciousness'' is not something that controls everything in the center of the mind, but is just a device for later grasping what the ``unconscious'' part of the human mind has done. do not have. ..., it's just an illusion that everyone will feel later. And the purpose is to memorize the episode. x


When driving a car, your body first responds to the information you receive from your eyes. moving before consciousness. After 0.5 seconds, your consciousness will be convinced that you pressed it.


Our judgment may be natural, as consciousness is added as an extension of the unconsciousness of lower creatures. Consciousness is the part that recalls the memories of the past and carefully thinks about countermeasures at that time when there is no emergency, so it can only be an evolved creature that can enjoy rest.@


In mammals, 99% of the information is processed in the almond-shaped area called the amygdala, and from the unconscious behavior based on the conditioned reflex there, the information triggered from there goes to the cerebral neocortex with a delay of about 0.5 seconds. , Fear and various emotions are born as consciousness.



   5.6.15 Discuss

   gA snake and fear;h   Contributor; Gormanite

gI think the fear of the small animal to be native. The monkeys may do that a sense of fear incorporated inherently is controlled.

In addition, I think that a genetic "learning period" may be set for a sense of fear heredity and the acquired learning. It resembles the rote in the bird and the language learning of the child. I'm very interested at a sense of fear either it is an acquired or congenital. 

Is a baby or the monkey have some sense of fear? They seem to be insensible first. Is it shown at the time of growth with a DNA cord of the self-organization?h


  ƒƒ„ say.

I want you to do the experiment as a baby is afraid of the toy of the snake. Probably baby will not be afraid. The center part of the brain called the limbic system is said to be the brain of a fish and reptiles (conditioned). With that alone a sense of fear is not born.

Amygdaloid body of the limbic system triggers it, and the information goes to cerebral neocortex, and fear and various feelings are born. Therefore, when this amygdaloid body does not function, it can't understand feelings from the expression of the person and cannot do it. A sense of fear in particular disappears. It seems that It bursts into laughter in the situation that a common animal is afraid of. But even if the body is frightened, they cannot notice it.


Even if the standard of evaluation is not an amygdaloidal body logically, it does not lead to the conclusion. The baby is born and puts anything in a mouth because reptilesf brain working. As for the carp, there is a habit to check things after putting anything in a mouth. Baby learns the feelings as the human being by observing the face of the person.  An expert interprets it so.


We imitate the person at an unconscious level even if the human becoming an adult. We imitate the gesture of the favorite person. And if a partner gets angry, we get angry too. It is Condition. If a partner is pleased, you are glad. As a result, the conditioned reflex action works feeling sympathize with imitates.

@@@index@@@desire to reason