
         @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@index@@@   desire to learn

5. love (affection)

5.5.1 Preface

My favorite word is love (affection). Describing love simply like this, would the reader recognize love in the higher sense? That's what I like about love, not sextile love. It's not the kind of love that's often used in sex expressions like AV videos. Love was discussed in the chapter on libido. Love should never be confused with romance. He loves pets and loves plants. See Buddha in the roadside plants. See Buddha in a single flower. It is the state. We know Christ's love of mankind.


5.5.2 Image of love

Let's bring the image of love to the surface here.

The definition of love sounds vague, but it's not sextile love. No one falls in love with a cat or a plant. That desire is called love. that's right. love for nature. love everything. Suffering, sorrow, joy, all kinds of actions, events can be felt joyfully. We mourn the sufferings of others together and rejoice in the joys of others. This is the state of mind of Kenji Miyazawa, who said, gI will not lose to the rain.h A feeling that comes naturally from the heart. and human love. šThese are the result of diversified parenting instincts. Parents risk their lives searching for lost children. Sacrifice yourself to help your child. I never felt any pain for it. Even if the child dies first, he will never forget the temporary life with the child that was etched into his brain. Continue to live together in the delusions of the brain.

 It is a strong emotion welled up naturally heartily and philanthropy. The young man evolves instinct consistently while discussing and resonating with the spirits.


5.5.3 poem

Haruno Niji-san *Angel's butt* A mother's love for her child

Maybe... Maybe my younger brother can see me...? "I can see it!"

The eyes of my brother, who is still a baby, are chasing me. I checked it many times. I checked.

no doubt! My brother can see me!

...I couldn't believe it... Can I believe it? "While I was sure of it, I still couldn't believe it."

Eventually, my younger brother, who was able to crawl, started chasing after his father and mother. Even after me.

on second thoughts! I can see it! My brother has me! Papa and Mama can't see me though. Yes, I can only see my brother.

Because I'm a ghost. That's why when my brother, who has become able to talk, talks to me, at first my dad and mom seemed to think I was talking to myself.

But eventually my brother realized that he could only see me. I think it must have been very annoying for my brother. The younger brother who talks to himself too much annoys the adults around him and makes him feel creepy. So little by little my brother stopped talking to me and started pretending he couldn't see me. No one wants to embarrass their mom or dad, and they don't want people to think they're creepy.


But... but I was working hard too. Mom still hasn't recovered from the shock of my death. When my brother was still in my mother's womb, he died in a car accident...

It was around the time I was about to enter first grade. Mom keeps blaming herself. When she was about to go play that day, it was Mama who said to me, "Why don't you eat a snack?" "The snack is Jun-chan's favorite hotcake, isn't it?" I immediately washed my hands and sat down at the table. And when I hurriedly bit into the pancake, my mom said, "No, you have to eat slowly. You'll get stuck in her throat," and gave me some milk.


Still, I ran out of the house without drinking half the milk. Without even saying "thank you for the meal". Then, at an intersection near my house, I was caught in a large truck that was about to turn left.@At that time, my mother told me that if she didn't make hot cakes, she would have to tell me, "Why don't you do it after eating?" , I regret it all the time. That way I wouldn't have crossed the intersection when the truck was coming.

Mom was so shocked that she fell asleep, and her dad and grandma were very worried. Before long, my younger brother was born much earlier than planned, but he was born safely.


But mom never made pancakes again. So, her poor brother has never eaten the delicious pancakes her mom makes. I want my mom to make hotcakes again. When my mom starts making pancakes again, I think I can rest assured that she's@But Mama spent more time brooding and sobbing in front of her picture of me. It's probably because my little brother is about to start the same first grade as when I died.

I'm sure he's duplicating my appearance in my younger brother's appearance. cbut don't cry mom. He is much closer to Papa and Mama than when I was alive. Oh, I want my mom to understand that somehow.


It was a Sunday and it had been raining since morning.

When her mom was out shopping nearby, her younger brother called out to me. It's kind of strange that younger brother would be surprised when he called out to ghost, "Onii-chan," but I was so surprised that I jumped.

It's been a long time since younger brother talked to me. "Hey, onii-chan," my younger brother asked displeased. "Why does my brother only see me?"-You knew I was your older brother, right? - "Yeah. Sometimes the adults around me would say... You're starting to look like your brother. But why can't everyone around you see you?"


-That's right. I don't know much about it either, but... I was at a loss for an answer, so I looked outside the terrace. Mama's favorite pansy was blooming in a small garden with colorful flowers. At that time, I remembered what my mother always said. gI think flowers are one of the gifts God gave us humans.

*Present or gift*

Maybe God also gave his younger brother a present. such a strange power. For my mother's sake...for my sake...when I said that, "Huh..." My little brother looked somewhat satisfied, but he continued slowly. "I want to tell Mama about my brother. He'll always be by my side.

Then mama won't cry anymore But... how can I get my mom to understand..."


-That's right, I've been thinking for a long, long time about how I can get my mom to understand--I said with a sigh. - There was a time when I thought I'd ask you to tell me, but I'm sure no one will believe you. that's whyc


At that time, I suddenly remembered. - But, but... wait a minute... That's right, hotcakes! Heart-shaped hotcakes! - "Hot cakes? Heart-shaped?" - I loved the hot cakes my mom made. One day my mom made me a hot cake in the shape of a heart... when I put the hot cake on a plate, my mom suddenly started laughing.


I remembered and laughed as I continued. - Mama has a great laugh.


So when I asked what was so funny... "The shape of the heart looks like my baby buttocks." And when I swelled up a little, I said, ``Don't get angry, don't get angry, because the baby's butt is the butt of an angel.''[

"Angel's buttocks "

After repeating my words and muttering, his eyes lit up and said, "Okay, big brother!" my little brother yelled, a little excited. "I'm sure mom will understand if I tell you that!"


At that moment, I heard the sound of the front door opening. "I'm home" was Mom. My brother asked me quickly. "Hey, did mama laugh that much?"...I see... My brother has never heard mama's laughter like back then. Because I stole your laughter...


I suddenly became unbearably sad. If I had said to my mom that day, "Thank you for the meal," I would have said, "It was delicious, Mom. Please make it again." I didn't cross the intersection when the was running! It's not Mom's fault! It's not because of mom's pancakes! I wanted to shout that. But mama can't hear me. Mama can't see me. I can't cry, but he was crying. He was crying like never before in his life. At that time, my mother's face was in front of me when I suddenly raised my face. She was standing with a pale face.


-Can you see me?

I thought so for a moment. Mom's eyes were filled with tears. Mama is about to faint her, she said in a low voice as if she could barely breathe. "Jun-chan... are you there, right? I can't see your mom, but I heard you just now. Jun-chan's voice said, 'Thank you for the meal. It was delicious...'" I unconsciously looked at my brother. My brother silently shook his head. "I didn't say anything," said those eyes.


"Jun-chan, right? Jun-chan said that!" I nodded over and over again. gYou were always by my side, werenft you? "I wonder why I didn't notice it until now. I'm sorry, Jun-chan." Even though tears were streaming down from Mama's eyes, a rippling smile spread across her mouth.


Then mom looked at her brother with a startled look. "Shin-chan," Mama said as she hugged her little brother. "You thought Mom was weird, didn't you? I'm sorry, but now..." My brother didn't let Mom say the end. "Mama, make me one too. Angel's butt pancake." Mama stared at her little brother's face with her eyes wide open. "Did you know?" Mama could barely say in a trembling voice.


Then mom started making pancakes again. She has hot cakes in the shape of hearts. for me of course


Wakaran-san, g@To my motherh@May 17, 2016 (Tuesday) 22:28

Mother's Day (unusual spring)

It's been almost 50 years since I moved to Tokyo...

For the first five years or so, I went back every year.

About 20 years after that, once every few years

In the 25 years since then, a total of 2.3 times


All those seasons are summer...

So I don't even know the names of the spring flowers that bloom in the garden


When I was a child, I could eat cake at Christmas

Receive New Year's gifts from relatives on New Year's Day

I spent the rest of the day without worrying about it...


About 10 or 20 years ago, on Mother's Day and Respect for the Aged Day, I started making "at least phone calls"...

I couldn't call you anymore this year

Instead I put her first carnation


 poem ”Ρ“cŠμ‹vŽq@1966 year

There is one girl working for the blind person of the same friend today. When I watched her for the first time, I thought,

"It was terrible".

Face is ugly and festers. The eyes are opening slovenly.@@@@@@@@

I just see the red place of lower eyelids. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

I strongly controlled feelings.@@@@@@@

She is working together with group member though she is a visual impairment.

The friends working with her is talking always without thinking. They are laughing each other.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

It was wondered to me

She who has invisible eyes almost enjoys a red sweater, red sandals, fashion. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

She talks it hard if the theme is turned to a kimono. @@@@@@@@@@   

"Could you take me to department store because I go for an overcoat to a department store?"

She is gentle-looking and modest.

The passerby turns their eyes to here. My heart to worry it, is ugly.

She buys it and seems to be glad at an overcoat. She stands before the mirror and then she puts the buttons one by one.

 "Could you look me because I canft see it"

She seems to be lonely with that situation.


I heard her talking with one young man who lived in the dormitory same as her.

 "All of coworkers is lonely in my dormitory. They are closing their mind. I work, and return to the dormitory, and everybody is lonely all day long. There does not feel a pleasure. When is the next your birthday?"

 Her eyes which she talked shined.

  It was the figure of the youth who chased a dream looking ahead. She was one human, too.

She likes music. She likes nostalgic sound of a koto among other things especially. She can feel it aurally with the optic part that she lost it. She seems to get the joy that she hides sorrow and I cannot feel such feeling. I am rather encouraged by strength of the vitality.


What is the human joy and human happiness?  The young woman came to the same room to the care of the patient when I was hospitalized before for a while for 4-5 days.

  She looked at a glance like 23 years old. She looks in the mirror and cares her head and her face all day long because she gets enough free time. I was quite disgusted as the same woman.  Her pleasure is only her fashion? What does she do except makeup?

I have not talked with her because I do not know the reason whether she is too excellent probably or is a girl. However, I cannot refuse her attractive figure. My mind is resonant with her action. The source of the wave is in her mind. It is a resonance of the instinct. It is emitting to every direction.


5.5.4 In search of deeper love@A mental barrier wave that leads to the future-

In the same way that a worker bee draws the figure of eight, sympathizes with each other and exchanges information, young people constantly develop their instincts through circles, interacting with people, engaging in discussions, and sympathizing with each other.


Hundreds of millions of sperm, prepared to sacrifice themselves, hit the thick wall that stands in front of them, as if trying to dig into the ovaries. And the result is the path of evolution. But the walls are thick. How many millions of young people have collided and made progress so far? One of them tries to poke a rock. Another puts his ear to the rock and hears voices in the distance. Some climbed and fell. And some eventually get hurt, exhausted, and die.


There are also those who turn back. But having made it this far, they are still happy. Unable to reach the wall, many fell off along the way. The wall seems to demand more sperm, dropout, wake up. In other words, now is a difficult road for the living organism called human beings, seeking new desires from monopoly desires.


@How did our predecessors pass through walls?

The point is that many of them were alone. Is this wall made of mental shock wave reflection wall? A chance resonance with an individual allowed him to pass through walls. Even if many people run into a wall at random, the wavelength of their hearts will only be disturbed. There was no way it could resonate with the wall, and it was bounced back by a powerful mental wave. In other words, this wall is a filter that each individual is eligible to pass through. One day we will be able to pass in groups, but what


A hundred years ago. It is a wall that can be passed through for the first time by those who have abandoned evil thoughts in their hearts. Many who are near the wall may also enter the wall to some extent. However, due to the evil thoughts that arise immediately, the wall generates a strong repulsive force and pushes it out.


"Then let's see how our predecessors got through." If he doesn't understand just by looking at it, he can't find the answer. Talking is accompanied by a little pain, so let's say the same thing again.


"Many of our predecessors are often alone." In other words, when many distracting thoughts gather together, this mental impact reflection wall absorbs each other's wavelengths and cannot become a force that can resonate with the wall. A chance resonance with an individual allowed him to pass through walls. For many people, even if they randomly hit it, their hearts will only be disturbed, and they will not be able to resonate with the wall, and will be pushed back by a powerful mental wave.


In other words, this wall is a filter that each individual is eligible to pass through. Only when there are no evil thoughts in your heart can you pass through. Those around the wall have some chance of entering the wall and can actually enter it. However, by arousing evil thoughts immediately, it is bounced back by a strong repulsive force.


And they are going to go toward the thick wall standing on the way. They are bumping their body to wall

But the wall is thick. Hundreds of millions of youths bump their body over and over. But many people fell down from wall. There are many people who are tired and some of them are dying from a wound at last. In addition, there is the person returning from the enchanting wall. There are many people who do not arrive at the wall either. The enchanting obstacle is whispering gDoesn't do a dropout."


"Come to my enchanting obstacleh@@And it seem to whisper@@@@ gYou have to break my embryo shell by the sperm of you!h

We have to realize.@@"Don't run away. Don't give uph

We are suffering situation for the greed that is new from a desire for exclusive possession now.


5.5.5 Realization with The homeless Buddhist priest of the Zen

It can be alone to pass through the wall. The mind shock will be made with a reflection obstacle. The accidental resonance with the individual is receives him into a wall.

Even if many people faced with the wall at random, the wavelength of the mind is just disturbed. It cannot be resonant with a wall and is bounced to the back by a strong mind wave. In other words this obstacle is the filter for us to get the qualification.


The homeless Buddhist priest of the Zen with having no surviving relatives realized something. He lost his mother when he was young, and he grew while learning the life style of world by reckless greed in spite of fate. He was troubled to the greed falling in love to the woman who was different in social position to him. After that he felt his ugliness of this his mind and ran away from this world to the nature world.

He walked aimlessly, exposed to the ray and he endured against strong wind in the rain. There is not a relying person. He has to endure fatigue of the heart and the pain of the body by oneself. It is hard daily life. He was treated like a beggar from a person and he ran away around for escape from a dog with a child. It was awful hot day in the summer. It was cold wind day in the winter. Weather deserted him, and the hardship is already changed to despair. Greed has been lost, and he hates his miserable mind reflecting miserably. And he asked himself.


As time passes, he is used to any life style. When he was used to live a life that it lost, envy to the earthly life has disappeared incredibly. And then as soon as presence of mind came out, it and a field of new vision almost simultaneously were opened. He realizes the truth of the teaching of Buddha for life at last. Five senses and all the body turned to same direction, and he took in energy of the wall for the first time in resonance with a wall. And then he has begun to walk to the new direction. Nature seems to speak to him. He gets into the new world. However, he cannot let us pass the wall even if it is it. Even if his desperate persuasion, we are not believable. We can't understand a state of the realization because we are controlled by old greed.


I will compare them with an insect.

Many insects are attracted to a light and gather to an outside sash.

"Go round to the entrance hall to enter inside of a glass window. Withdraw at least once and turn around"

 He shouts aloud from inside or said the same word from their back. However, they believe that fellows come to there to steal the good place, so do not leave the place.

Window nearest at inside are a good position for them. They can't abandon the uneasiness. He has known the stupidity of the friend from this point in time.


He was known the life of the tragedy of a human in many places. The life to writhe in nature is. He told,

 "Actual itself is emptiness; emptiness itself is actuali‹σ‘¦₯FF‘¦₯‹σj" "Asks to a bare pillar about the lifei˜I’Œ‚ɐq‚Λ‚ζj"

 They slipped out from earthly life after having endured on suffering and he was kind and was able to watch earthly life again strictly. The way of their admonition did not do so-called lecture directly and also was not concrete. He induced the human for each life to penetrate into each individual mind by spiritual awakening.  It is the world of the realization. You must not forget that there is love of nature which it does not turn into there. They worshiped nature as a teacher on such life and stretched out themselves there and cleansed a mind.


I had often gone to hill behind to rest my mind since 15 years old. I was filled with deep emotion in there. I intoxicated in nature. If I asked it that nature would answer by all means. It is nature itself. If there was a certain person, nature conducted an individual to right path and guided to the living way of the individual spiritually.

Nature will let you notice everlastingness of life constituting the space which the individual feels a life, but I do not know more than it. It would become pretty one, there are trees and plants and animals and nature if I did so. And I feel great compassion everywhere of nature.@It developed from Hinayana to Mahayana. We live in the Hinayana in the flow of Mahayana. It is same as a cell constructing me.

   Hinayana(¬ζ•§‹³)@ Mahayanai‘εζ•§‹³j@


I live in just instant in the life system (biochemistry reaction system) of 3,600 million years.


Buddha speaks it to ŽΙ—˜˜Ε@

g—£”–}‹π@ΰΥπ¦ŽRΰV EEEE–³’ql’† ”œΰŸŒo”‚Μ–}‹π‚𗣂κ‚Δ“ΖŽR‘ς‚ɏˆ‚Ή‚ρ ₯‚Μ”@‚«‚̐l‚Ι”T‚ΏˆΧ‚Ιΰ‚­‚Χ‚΅h


5.5.6 Affection (friendship) born in the bottomless society

 The animal including humankind is controlled by a desire for exclusive possession. Human majority believe the world that is deceiving person and is deceived person.

    gCheating each otherg or "cunning or tacticsg

It spoke in a foregoing chapter. Shall there be the person who wants to live while wearing down a nerve in such world? The majority of people cannot give up to eat something in their mind. They must look for the person who makes them feel better among the people who were oppressed to escape from the uneasiness of each other. There is wife and children. They are satisfied with sexual intercourse and the child care instinct that sexual desire causes.

What is the method to be satisfied at the possessive desire stage? There is it.

Transformation of the desires for exclusive possession includes an honorary desire and exhibitionism. Therefore, you should make an inferior person in a group. And you oppress a inferior person if you are oppressed by a boss. The repetition is seen in pyramid structure.

Then what should a person fallen into a lowest level do? You can't make an inferior person from yourself, you can't satisfy yourself anymore. You tormented the worker of the mentally-disabled person, but there is not the satisfactory reaction. You seem miserable. n, but there is not the satisfactory reaction. You seem miserably.

The boss is angry at him with trifling failure. His face seems miserably. I want boss to keep angry to him more strongly. However, would he laugh if I fail? I expect to make him further attacks. And will you curse him? I hate to be laughing. I can't endure my mind that is cursed if I am him. Why do I feel joy in such a thing? How is the reason?

He may not allow me to laugh if I cannot allow laughing. Will we scold each other? I do not have a qualification to attack him. We are both slave of boss. There is not the guarantee that I improve even if he was gotten angry by boss.

The boss is angry to him with dull failure. His face seems miserably. I feel sorry for him. It is needed his existence for me. He can hear my complaint to make my fun after all.

His existence repeating the same as me a failures is necessary. My friend is just him. My friend is only him. Other guys only laugh with the eyes while looking down on always. He is the only one understanding a complaint heartily. Also I'm the only one understanding him. Both he and I have to please each failure of the person. We are a poor person. We are a miserable person. I feel relaxed if I talk about pains with him. He is an oppressed friend same as me. I do not need cautious to flatter for him. I want to need him. His outstanding job is my joy. My outstanding job is his joy even if my mistake may be laughed at by him. My outstanding job is his outstanding even if my outstanding may be laughed at by him. My mistake may be laughed at by him. My complaint may be laughed at by him. He will understand my act soon. As for him, the sense of superiority that I feel is no meaning. We are equal. The mind of forcing people to the lowest level changes it this way. And a

desire as exclusive possession changes.


5.5.7@ Otoya Miyagi speaks


 gI can't recognize the difference between the person who loves himself and person who love his fame. How the ability does need to defend his fame and property? Do both are magnifying him? Actually his personality is to be conscious of his evaluation from society. There are relatively few desires for the self. The person who feels pity for another person and the person performing charity does not worry his property decreases. But the person thinking only his position will push down another person aside. He only thinks his promotionh

This fact may be performing the process that a desire for exclusive possession changes into desire of love. The desire occurs if a human being lives together. Love and the unity of the group occur against an outside group. There were the people who thought about many people were saved from tormented people. The people who assume Christ a representative are.

American social psychologists is claimed

 gWhat is the difference at loving oneself or loving one's honor? What is the difference with keeping his reputation and protecting his property? In fact what's said his personality is to be conscious of reputation for oneself?h

But there is not big difference between loving one's honor. Furthermore, it is that the person loving money or a person loving honor loves self too. Isn't he love himself maintaining honor of the self, and raising the money? It is social psychology. Nobody do to take responsibility even if many common people are sacrificed and continued suffering. A person standing in the top of the evolution of the life is strong. It is severe and cruel to live in society for him. The reality is different from an ideal. Our purpose is to become the leader of all people. It is rights he love himself and maintain honor and love increasing money. What do they live for? Even if the joy to win against their struggle or the Prime Minister who he reached the top, he feel threatened to worry the seat from the moment of next Prime Minister.

 An uneasy feeling attacks it consistently and settles down in a mind. There is not the calm mind in long time. As a result, the mind feeling a relaxation is influenced by a desire for exclusive possession. The Prime Minister, CEO, a president Leader at group, a staff system, it is needed to maintain the top of the desire for exclusive possession. Desire for possession is needed to maintain the system of the compound pyramid structure. But it is meaningless from a standard of the evolution almost. of the evolution almost.

It can't permit this if it watched this system from the person who advanced of the evolution. It don't permit he think only people suffering but also structure getting only satisfaction of own. It can't permit a social system that let you recognize his personality and the position of the leader. He do not think to save a person. He does not know that he can save a person by desire called this love that only the person who kept on suffering noticed. The human being is Son of God. They are all same Son of God. The human being must love each other. Trust and the friendship are born from there. The method to satisfy one's greed is only one. You give the desire that everybody wants. If you can do it you get the love for the first time by people and can thereby meet one's desire to want. Everybody is satisfied that anyone is loved from anyone.

The pleasant feeling of the desire for exclusive possession crystallizes with a noble pleasant feeling called the love, and the quality of the pleasant feeling changes. Greed, arrogance, vainglory, the hypocrisy are moderated. Another person gets the better position though I have superior ability than him. There is no meaning such as status and honor to the evolution of the humankind. This is dissatisfaction. Another person more brags though I want to brag. I do not like this. Another person does not obey this moral though I obey it. This is unpleasant. Such greed satisfying is not moderating. Peace comes after would become unnecessary to mind the action of other person. Christ sees such a society to God.

The religion is occurred to put a group on the rail of the evolution with the whisper of God. However, this is very severe. The religion sense becomes extinct perfectly by transformation of the evolution called the remodeling of DNA based on life evolution by the learning in the near future. However, it contributes to make the love from a desire for exclusive possession. It crystallized the form as love. An accomplished form of the possessiveness is showed here. It becomes fun when I talk with that person. The person feels a love by the five senses.


5.5.6 Individual NGOs

1. Mr. Tetu Nakamura of Peshawar-kai

An NGO is a non-governmental organization. It is an organization that does not belong to any country. For example, there is an activity in Afghanistan run by Satoshi Nakamura of Peshawar-kai (Peshawar-kai website). Waya also attended when he performed in Nagoya. While introducing slides of irrigation projects and agricultural projects, he spoke clearly and concisely about the relationship between Al Qaeda, the government, and ordinary people, and I was impressed by their way of life.


Many people think of Afghanistan as a country. However, many tribes did not have a sense of belonging to the country, and the villagers were told that they placed al Qaeda and the central government at an equal distance. I heard that one of the comrades had died during the activity and had to withdraw. However, as far as I can see on the website, it seems that they are doing their best to raise funds through performances, sales of publications, and donations. In response, Japan, along with Mongolia and Bhutan, adopted a policy of encircling China, and Afghanistan became an important country. As a result, because he lifted up the Peshawar-kai, he was made a person on the Afghan side by the terrorists, and he met with terrorism. He is an example of a victim of a country competing for hegemony.


2. Naoko Takato

Also, Naoko Takato left a deep impression on me. She went to Iraq alone to do "humanitarian aid" and was detained by militants. At that time, Japan, which was supporting the United States, quickly set up a "bashing campaign" through the mass media and agitated the public's condemnation. However, foreign media outlets reported her dedication to improving the lives of ordinary Iraqis, resulting in a rapid drop in tone. It goes without saying that she was liberated not by the Japanese government, but by the Iraqi people.

The above are the people who go to the site, are influenced by something, feel motivated to act, and are dedicated to their activities.


3. NGOs CAN HELP Thailand

Can Help ThailandFuuHealthiŒ’NjvuEducationi‹³ˆηjvuLoveiˆ€jvuPurposei–Ϊ“Ijv

On the other hand, there are NGOs that were launched in a different form. Waya was on duty at the organization's office, so she knew how the organization worked.

The organization was established around 1996 as an aid activity for the northeastern region of Thailand between Professor Ray of Nanzan University and an acquaintance in Thailand. In such a case, donations of 50 million yen or 60 million yen can be collected by saying that the organizer is a university professor. About 100 people also participated in the school construction activities, and they were divided into three groups and participated in each school construction.


It's a one-week, two-week life, but we start by making a bedroom in the classroom. Curtains should be put up to keep out insects. Lie down in the curtains. We couldn't use paper in the toilet, so we got permission to use it only for Japanese people, and wiped our buttocks with it. The used paper cannot be washed away, so it was collected and burned. Sleeping in an environment where geckos squeak and crawl around, discovering scorpions and getting excited, learning how to make Thai food from a local Thai woman, etc. It is an activity that makes them happy to experience their first experience. The villagers are also kind because the school construction donations are out. The meals included fruits such as mangosteen and durian, as well as tom yum soup, sticky rice, and coconut. On the final day, you can experience many rare and valuable experiences, such as sightseeing in places that can only be visited in rural areas, watching cows giving birth, and so on.


Since Sakeaw borders with Cambodia, I was able to observe how Cambodians and Thais come and go at the border. Landmines are buried near the border, and it is dangerous to enter without permission... I will return after learning a lot. People who participate are pure and come to participate with the question, "Is there anything I can do to help?" and go to graduation. Therefore, many of the management are students, and they must have brought it from somewhere without knowing anything. There were rules that were very unacceptable. Insufficient processing was also seen in accounting, etc., but it may be good to think of it as a study.


Now, the teacher has returned to his hometown in the United States, and the organization has moved its office outside about 15 years ago, so donations have decreased significantly. In addition, Thailand is now civilized, and infrastructure development has progressed even in rural areas. Therefore, it has shifted its focus of activities to support minority hill tribes and continues to provide support.


5.5.9 Nursing care problems due to affection

Each of our bodies is a complex biochemical reaction system. Reactions are active during growth, and the energy that maintains the body increases, so each person can work and gain energy. Being able to live alone. When you become an old man and take care of yourself, it means that you can no longer maintain your own body, and you have to obtain the energy to live from others. Therefore, the caregiver must take both his portion and the person being cared for, and give part of it to the person being cared for. Even so, it is impossible for a caregiver to distribute energy to the caregiver for a person who is doing their best to maintain the caregiver's body. The caregiver will wear out over time. Therefore, the person receiving care must convert the energy necessary for their own survival into the form of money. The fact that nursing care is going well is probably because the person being cared for has accumulated energy in the form of money. On top of that, they will be forced to take care of them according to family ties, old traditions, and habits.


"Therefore, many women are involved in nursing care."


My mother took care of her father, who had a stroke when I was young. My father passed away in the spring of the age of 9, repeating sleep and wake up. My father's room was called a tatami room, and it was the most splendid room in our house, but it was cold in winter with no light. , sometimes the visiting doctor has to leave her advice and some sort of patch to turn the sick person over, and my ignorant mother sticks it to her sore skin on her lower back. was No one else entered the room. I don't know how hard it was for her mother to take care of her father.


However, when I listen to everyone's stories, I get the sense that it's a serious matter.


   @@ Waya 2016/05/26 07:39

As I wrote in other communities, the issue of nursing care costs for relatives is limited by the amount of pension income. The Civil Code stipulates the obligation to provide support, but no penalties are imposed, so kind people pay the price. In the old days, there was a saying that women had no homes in the three worlds, and that women generally had less income, including pensions, and men were arrogant. Husbands hold the power of life and death for their wives, and from a young age, women have been imprinted in their brains as social conventions. So people around me think it's normal. Therefore, savvy parents, knowing that, would make even a girl a civil servant, including a schoolteacher, or a vocational nurse, to ensure her financial independence.


Mikaeri Fubijin May 17, 2016 14:00

When it comes to worrying about old age, everyone seems to think of money first. Certainly, I think the problem of economic power is a big one. However, I think there are many problems that can't be solved with just that... First of all, it seems that there are cases where people think that if their relationships, including family, neighbors and friends, are not rich, they will let their money do the talking. I'm currently taking care of my mother-in-law, how can I make connections with people? I feel that There may be personality issues, and everyone gets stubborn as they get older. But that doesn't mean you can cut off relationships with people and live

For one thing, I want the person being cared for to keep her smiling. She is stubborn and refuses to take care of her, or she withdraws because she doesn't want her neighbors to know that she needs nursing care. How will she treat the person who takes care of her when she becomes a caregiver? This mental attitude becomes urgent when it becomes a real problem. Of course, this is not something that is expected of those who have advanced cognition, but if the person who is taking care of you is your own child, your girlfriend's wife, or a professional caregiver, you will be complaining and complaining all the time. Won't she only return a certain amount of care? If she always smiles calmly, I think she will be willing to help even if it is troublesome. I know that I am really tired of caring for an elderly person who only thinks backwards when I am taking care of them, so in the unlikely event that I am the one being cared for, I want to be an elderly person who brightens up the people around me. I'm here. I looked into the hospital. When my mother said, "I'm going home because Sakurako is waiting for you," I got impatient, saying that if I didn't do something, I could see things I couldn't see. I wrote it in a letter and had it looked at, it was kind of serious.


 What distracts you from restless days? "I want to find it." As I wrote in my consultation, her mother's urine suddenly has a very strong smell, and as a result, it may be coming from the internal organs, so I'm thinking of going to an internal medicine doctor. At the urology department, there was nothing wrong with my urine, and the doctor said it was your problem and ignored me. It's not a matter of sensitivity, it's an abnormally pungent odor and a medicinal odor like rotten bamboo shoots.


Sakurako ™ May 13, 2016 10:25

  My mother developed depression seven years ago, and that time was the hardest. Her legs are still walking without any physical care, but her mental illness is hard on her family. She also had anxiety and she was under the care of a psychiatrist. Because she developed her disease, she can't go to dinner or be alone.


Come to think of it, in the early days, I used a hospital ladder at dawn or in the middle of the night. There was no bad place even if I checked it, and I rode an ambulance quite a bit. She ended up in a psychosomatic clinic and she was diagnosed with depression. Besides depression, I still have anxiety, it's better than it was in the beginning, but it's really been a twist in the last 7 years. During that time, she broke her femur and finally broke her femur. The increase is the consultation ticket and the degree of nursing care, now it is nursing care 3. The care manager is also thinking about this and that, but the person himself is... It would be nice if she could go and enjoy a little bit of dinner, but I can't recommend it because it would make her feel worse. Luckily for her, her husband is a nice person, so she's a mother alone. I wish I had a child and siblings. There's no end to spitting it out, so I'll leave it here for now.


Mr. Yellow Tomato May 17, 2016 00:29

 "There are many cases where a house is built first and the inheritance of the parent's house is abandoned." Inheritance abandonment is inheritance abandonment with parents. In other words, they don't need parents or a home. I have houses all over the place, so I thought, 'Get rid of all of them before you die! f is what they say. Of course my daughters also built a house with my money. Building a house isn't that hard, but I don't think it will be subject to inheritance. I myself have a hobby house nearby, and I also have a home. I can't let my daughters do such a poor thing to worry about living together. Even if he falls asleep, he says that he has enough money to take care of him 24 hours a day and the cost of nursing care for about 20 years. I also have a pension. I am a sweet parent, thinking that this is my duty as a parent.


Theresa May 17, 2016 09:29

The relationship between mother and daughter is difficult. The worst thing is that the mother is insensitive. I've been living together, but I want to ask others at my own expense for my old age. I think it would be good if people didn't enjoy their own lives, and started working from a young age to


Waya May 20, 2016 07:13

There was a story about nursing insurance, so I'm going to put the story I heard.@The following article is the true intention of long-term care insurance

œLong-term care insurance started in April 2000. More than 15 years have passed since the system was established.@The underlying law is the Nursing Care Insurance Law.

œThe biggest reason for the creation of the long-term care insurance system is that in the midst of the declining birthrate and aging population in Japanese society, the ``welfare system for the elderly'' and ``health care system for the elderly'' will continue to exist in the future. This was because it was foreseen that the increase in expenses would lead to a financial collapse and the system would become unsustainable.

œIn the "Law for Social Welfare for the Elderly," which supports the welfare system for the elderly, self-payment of medical expenses for the elderly was, in principle, free of charge.


 However, the budget was running out, and the law had to be revised. It will be amended in the future.

However, the long-term care insurance was created, and the other side of it is that career and non-career children who have moved from rural areas to Tokyo to work cannot take care of their fathers and mothers who have left them in the rural areas, so they cannot call them to Tokyo. Therefore, such a system was enacted into law as a way to save money. Bureaucrats act in their own interest first. Therefore, it is one of the measures to detect the method desired by the bureaucrats early and to act in the same way. In the future, relatives will take care of themselves at home. In the end, a friendly woman who is close to her is forced to consume more than two people's energy for herself and her caregiver due to local customs and shigarami. The women who gather here have some tips on how to cut corners, so I feel a little relieved.


@@@@@Waya May 20, 2016 07:22

Does your mother have dementia?

Then, I sometimes worry that Ako might go through something like that too. All life is destined to die by the laws of nature (the diffusion of energy), so it's just a matter of cancer, brain damage, heart disease, or whatever. And what I want is that there is no apoptosis like cells, so I live long and die without suffering. If you keep talking loudly here, your stress will be relieved and that may happen. The Internet is a tool that allows anyone to express their thoughts. Write anything.


 My parents grew up in a large family in the countryside and lived in a humane environment in the neighborhood and community interaction. The old man, unable to move, died in his bedridden room, surrounded by his children and grandchildren. He insists, "Kaigo Care Management Helper? I don't know about that! I don't need him in this world!" Now, she is starting a barrier-free renovation to make her parents' house a place for community interaction. I hope that nursing care and people who are tired of childcare will be healed.


Hiromin May 05, 2016 20:47

Nice to meet you, Miho! Thank you for taking care of my mother. Please rest a little. I am also the daughter-in-law of the eldest son, so I plan to see off my parents-in-law from now on. I'm prepared... How can I take care of myself? ? In that case, what you should do and what you can do now... I have something to worry about... Thank you in advance. Let's exchange information with everyone.


 Mr. Ku May 4, 2016 21:43.

Hospitals are happy to accept bedridden people, but they try to get you out of bed rather than the age where you can walk and talk. Two days later, I got a call from the hospital. "I'm furious that I want to go home." "I'm furious that I can't connect even if I call home." I'm angry because my teacher took away the snacks." "I'm making a fuss about eating boro, so can I buy it?" "When will you come next? Not today? Tomorrow? I think it's really annoying old man. But I'm already doing my best. Three hours round trip to the hospital. Even so, I go to the hospital three times a week, and I go out once and take him home. Another hour round trip to go home. But we can actually do more. There's nothing you can't do if you have the will to do it. But I don't wanna do it anymore


 Hello Anko-san (^o^). For an only child, I think that the presence of parents is very special in a way. Well, I have a child of my own, but until I got married, I was the only blood relative. Kyoko-san's father knew that Kyoko-san was an important and important daughter until the very end.


My father is also in the hospital, and sometimes when his anger switches on, he gets out of control, but he never gets angry at me. increase. You'll be relieved when I come I guess I play the role of a mother who protects her father lol. As for her wife, Ba-san, she still seems to feel that she has to protect her. That's why I'll stay by your side until the very end! I think. It's a little annoying but lol.v


Mr. Ku May 08, 2016 17:23


 "It's a big problem that's different from physical care, isn't it?" The facility I visited today was about 130,000 yen a month. It's a common facility, but the rooms are for 2 or 4 people.


You can use diapers, tissues, and so on as much as you want, and you don't have to pay for the medicine you get from the clinic, so it seems that you can pay only 130,000 yen per month. Sounds pretty cheap, doesn't it? The group home on the same premises costs 100,000 for a single room, but it seems that all personal belongings and medicines are owned by the user. Well, if it's about this much, you can manage with a pension, but in my case, my mother will stay at home, so she will have to pay extra for living, and we will have to maintain the house, and we will have to pay taxes and maintenance. I have to think about it too.


If you live in a facility with two people, you can consider disposing of the house, but if one person is in a facility, it will be like living alone, and living expenses will be doubled. It's hard. So, if my father moves in, I will have to think about streamlining small expenses such as co-op home delivery, yogurt home delivery, and Duskin rental.


   @@Kuu-san May 27, 2016 9:47

I am forced to conclude. The psychiatrist told me that I had to talk about the future with my family, so I was forced to leave work and go to the hospital. I think it's probably a story about lowering the level of consciousness by using psychiatric drugs on an old man who doesn't sleep at all at night. with the consent of the family


   @@Waya May 27, 2016 @ 12:26

The lives of aging parents will one day be in the hands of their children. If the children cut corners in caregiving, that's it. I want you to live as much as you love your parents. How old are Kuu's parents? What are the chances of recovery? This is my thoughts from a man's point of view, but no matter how much you pull it, it will go away at some point. Based on them, how about considering your own aging scene and thinking about it enough? No matter what the conclusion, you have done everything for her parents, so I don't think she will be resented by them, even if they appreciate them.


   Waya May 27, 2016 @ 12:26

 The lives of aging parents will one day be in the hands of their children. If the children cut corners in caregiving, that's it. I want you to live as much as you love your parents. How old are Kuu's parents? What are the chances of recovery? This is my thoughts from a man's point of view, but no matter how much you pull it, it will go away at some point. Based on them, how about considering your own aging scene and thinking about it enough? No matter what the conclusion, you have done your best for your parents, so I don't think she will be resented even if she is thanked by her parents.


Ako May 28, 2016 8:27

his father was killed by his mother. Her mother, who wanted to take care of her bedridden father alone, became violent as things got tougher. My father was worried that my mother would fall apart, so he was discharged from the hospital and never left her mother's side. My father, who has terminal cancer, was killed by his cognitive mother's abuse. The mother hits, kicks, hits her father with a stick, and forces food into her mouth.


Waya May 28, 2016 @ 10:54

It must have been very difficult for you to continue to care for your father who has terminal cancer and your mother who has dementia. I think that the screaming feeling that you write like the title is the manifestation of the unfeigned heart of the person who stood there.


By the way, if Dad had known that she had terminal cancer, she would have been prepared for death for herself. Then, about everything that my wife does for many years, she says, "Sooner or later you'll die, so all you have to do is put up with it. It's the same if you get beaten or die from aspiration pneumonia. It's better to be together as much as possible. Wouldn't it be better for the wife than for the husband to be married?h It depends on the type of dementia the mother has, but in general, people with dementia have poor judgment and live only with the emotions of the moment. Even if she tried to do this, her body would not move satisfactorily, she would not have the ability to make arrangements, and her father would not be able to move her arms and legs properly, so she did not hit or kick. Is not it. She wanted her father to be healed, so she had a fit of food, so it wasn't meant to be malicious.


It will be difficult for the government and others to act unless evidence, such as a video of the scene where the mother is acting violently, and evidence such as bruises on her father's body, the date and frequency, etc. In any case, I think that there are subtleties between a couple who have been together for a long time, a man and a woman, which even children cannot enter. Your father's death may have been a little hastened by the stress, but please accept that the past was unavoidable and don't give up on your current need for nursing care. I don't think she meant her mother to abuse her father. Her desire to live and her desire to monopolize and take care of her father turned into abusive behavior.





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